Wanna hear a secret?
This running-a-biz-thang ain't easy. Sure, I'm almost 7 years in and make multiple six figures each year, but I haven't always been "living the dream." And while other gurus will have you believe they woke up in a bed full of money, I'm here to let you know this:
Success doesn't just "happen."
Success ain't always "Lucky Charms" delicious or magical.
And it certainly ain't an overnight type of situation.
Now, I can pretty much pinpoint the moment things took an upward turn for me, and the "secret" will likely surprise you:
I started making the most money and serving more of the people who needed me most when I showed up as ME.
Now, I know it sounds like a bunch of BS and while there are some critical steps I'll reveal later, lemme put you up on biz game:
You can listen to gurus and coaches urging you to "show up" all day long, but if you have no idea what to do when you show up, the advice is meaningless.
Now, let's talk about you ...
I've been watching you show up and give until you can't give anymore. But you're not making enough money or building the platform necessary for you to give to those who need you most.
I did that too because I thought by NOT charging at the gate for my genius, I was helping folks. But really I wasn't.
You see, by NOT charging, I didn't require my audience to see the value in my services or the value in their own genius.
And by NOT charging (or charging enough) for your superpowers, you're doing the same.
Let's change that.
Inside the C.A.S.H. Camp Replay Lounge, you'll get the guidance you need to whip your words into prospect-wooing and cash-generating shape, so you see an immediate shift in your cash flow.

When you devour each of the FOUR lessons, you'll walk away with an intriguing sales message and an irresistible product/service offering that propels the RIGHT people to smack the buy button.
Here's a whiff at what's waiting for you inside the C.A.S.H. Camp Replay Lounge:
Lesson One: C.A.S.H. Rules Formula
This is where you discover my proven “million-dollar” C.A.S.H. Rules Formula for slinging sentences that serve and sell. Master this section, and get ready to sit back and watch your bank account smile.
Lesson Two: COMMUNICATE and AMPLIFY with Confidence
Get step-by-step guidance on how to communicate with confidence and amplify your voice in a way that persuades people to trust you with their issues and invest in your solutions. WERK on your irresistible offer.
Lesson Three: SPEAK to Their Hearts
Find out how to identify your audience the RIGHT way and use this powerful guidance to give them what they want. WERK on your irresistible offer.
Lesson Four: HIT 'Em with Your Genius
Yesss, you did it! Now, it’s time to use your new engaging, exciting and compelling message to finalize your irresistible product/service.
C.A.S.H. Camp is packed with zero-fluff, practical lessons built on my signature C.A.S.H. Rules Formula so you have a step-by-step process for turning your words (and ideas) into cash!
Now, the bottom line is this: I want to see YOU make money in your business and I'm here to help you do exactly that. But don't take my word for it. See what a few of my superstars have to say about me ...

My sales conversions hit 60%!
"Come through copy ... I've enrolled 600 members into my online membership program with the sales page you wrote for me. And I've used the CopyCloset to revamp other sales pages and my last three product launches have had ridiculous sales conversions up to 60.52%."
- Cici, The Six Figure Chick

Apryl's words are responsible for MOST of the income I made in a full calendar year!
"Apryl wrote about 7 campaigns (and counting) for me and I trust her wholeheartedly with my sales copy. You see, Apryl stands up to "The Million Dollar Word Stylist" name because she truly has the power to transform boring words into sentences that make people "smack the buy button."
Now, please know I'm not blowing smoke ... Apryl truly is the truth. She has been a blessing to my business and her words are responsible for most of the income I raked in for a full calendar year!"
- Audria Richmond, Branding and Marketing Genius + Bestselling Author

IT REALLY WORKS ... I'm getting way more discovery requests from my website!
"Thank YOU Apryl for transforming my writing. Taking your WERKShops on website, social media and landing page writing was the single most important marketing investment I've made in TWO years.
[The W.E.R.K. Your Website WERKShop] really does work. I'm getting more discovery requests than before I tapped into Apryl's magic! I recommend this course and any of Apryl's products. The value vs. investment ratio is a no-brainer.
- Nicole Chamblin, Visions Productivity Solutions

In less than 10 days, I had TWO cash offers for a $2 million condo unit!
"I used to shed tears about writing, but Apryl has turned me into a writing machine! In less than 10 days, I had TWO cash offers for a $2 million condo unit. I sold the unit for $1.9 million and just want to acknowledge Apryl for her books and her training on spine-tingling sentences to make clients smack the buy button." - Tori Williams, Real Estate Tori

You're the REAL DEAL ... I was chosen to serve as a technical judge for a popular Gospel Awards event because of your writing advice!
"I've learned so much from you. Anything I do using your methods works wonderfully! Info I've gained from your courses have attracted all sorts of exciting successes, features contracts, respect and money. For example, I was chosen to serve as a technical judge for a popular Gospel Awards event all because of your writing advice!
I look forward to another wave of your awesomeness. You're the real deal.
- Shelly Aqui, PRVM Performing Arts Academy
One of the BEST investments I could've made for my business!
"... I believe in learning the way before I hire someone to do it and the workshop was really, really good. It was one of the BEST investments I've made in my business!"
- Denise Sincere, Confidence Igniter
These Wild + Crazy Internet Streets Are Talking About My Smack-the-Buy-Button Coaching Skills ...

Meet the Million-Dollar Word Stylist™ + C.A.S.H. Camp Leader
I’m Apryl Beverly, The Million-Dollar Word Stylist™, sentence slinger and W.E.R.K. Coach.
I craft compelling copy that has generated over $11 million (and counting) in revenue for B2B solo entrepreneurs, small business owners and some of the country’s top brands.
Known for my "tell-it-like-it-is" writing style, I have earned a variety of awards and recognitions including hitting the Amazon Best Seller’s List in 3 categories just 24 hours after releasing my first book, Shots Fired! How to Write Copy that Pierces Hearts (And Opens Wallets).
My second book, F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin’ Hot Leads shot to the No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List two days before its official release.
And during C.A.S.H. Camp, I'm going to use my 18 years of copywriting experience to whip your words into into prospect-wooing and cash-generating shape, so you see an immediate shift in your cash flow.