Confession time:

Profit ain't flowing in quite as you anticipated. And even though you seem to be doing everything right ...

You have landing pages and sales pages.

You have a "pretty" website.

And you show up consistently to promote your products and services on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

But …

Your PayPal ain't poppin.' Your bank account ain't smiling. Your calendar ain't booked solid. And right about now, you're ready to wave the white flag because …

This “be-your-own-boss thang” feels more
like an unachievable goal than a realistic pursuit.

Yes, you see and hear the gurus and influencers all talk about how you gotta "start somewhere," but you've started and restarted again and you're still not where you know you should be.

You know you're a talented superstar when it comes to operating in your zone of genius. The only problem is the RIGHT people ...

Are NOT responding to your messages.

Are NOT leaping onto your email list.

And they're NOT begging you to take their money.

Now THAT right there is what I'm here to change with the "Get the Bag" Profit Purse. 

Before I go any further, let's get one thing straight:

The Profit Purse is NOT gonna take you to the land of unicorns and fairy dust, but I'll tell you this:

There's magic in slinging the RIGHT words
to the RIGHT people.

You see, the issue ain’t your talent or your genius – it’s the words you're using to let folks know you ARE the genius they've been searching for.

And inside the "Get the Bag" Profit Purse™, you'll receive access to training videos, templates and word-for-word scripts my clients have used to rake in over $7 million. 


Here's a peek at what you'll get inside the Profit Purse™:

  • Coin Collector #1: Thirteen Pieces of Content You Need to Make Money Now

    Get the inside scoop on 13 pieces of content you need to make money immediately. WARNING: This list of cash-generating content has been known to flood the bank accounts of ambitious biz owners.

  • Coin Collector #2: Seventeen Reasons You're NOT Attracting Clients

    Attracting clients ain’t easy … especially on these crowded Internet streets. But it’s doable when you know the process. Here, I’m pulling back the curtain on the process my clients and I use to keep a pile of fresh, new prospects coming our way.

  • Coin Collector #3: Craft a Bangin' Sales Page in 60 Minutes (No Writing Love Required)

    Discover how to write a sales page that takes your product or service from sagging sales to incredible success in just 60 minutes. PLUS, get my world-famous (yes, people around the world truly LOVE this) Sales Page Map that outlines every detail your sales page needs to entice buyers.

  • Coin Collector #4: Seven Ways to Craft Cash-Generating Messages

    Crawl inside my million-dollar mind to discover how to write words that make you money. You see, “anybody” can write, but slinging sentences that get your PayPal poppin’ is an entirely different situation. Follow these seven steps to craft your very own cash-generating messages.

  • Coin Collector #5: Landing Page Smackdown

    Dive into the exact process I use for getting 56.3%-plus of the eyeballs on my pages to SMACK the sign-up button. So, if you’re tired of frantically bangin’ out pages that do nothing to pump up your email list or your PayPal account, you’re gonna LOVE this coin-collecting training.

  • Coin Collector #6: Rock Your About Page + Entice the RIGHT People

    On edit #236 of your About Page because you’re stressing over the RIGHT WORDS? After this 45-minute training, you’ll know exactly what to share on your About Page, so you SERVE the right people and SELL the very best of you.


Now, the bottom line is this: I want to see YOU make money in your business and I'm here to take you by the hand and teach you do exactly that. But don't take my word for it. See what a few of my superstars have to say about me ...


My sales conversions hit 60%! 

Come through copy ... I've enrolled 600 members into my online membership program with the sales page you wrote for me. And I've used the CopyCloset to revamp other sales pages and my last three product launches have had ridiculous sales conversions up to 60.52%.

- Cici "The Six Figure Chick," The Six Figure Chick

I made over $500 in a few hours!

I am naturally someone who stares at the wall trying to decide on the words to write. Apryl has shown me how to stop wasting that kind of time.

First, I used what I learned in one of her classes to find my ideal customer. Then, I coupled that with one of her writing templates. From there, all I had to do was plug in a few industry terms and hit “post.” I made over $500 in a few hours!

- Leslie C. Bentley, The Sewcial Place


Apryl's words are responsible for MOST of the income I made in a full calendar year!

Apryl wrote about 7 campaigns (and counting) for me and I trust her wholeheartedly with my sales copy. You see, Apryl stands up to "The Million Dollar Word Stylist" name because she truly has the power to transform boring words into sentences that make people "smack the buy button."

Now, please know I'm not blowing smoke ... Apryl truly is the truth!!! She has been a blessing to my business and her words are responsible for most of the income I raked in for a full calendar year!

- Audria Richmond, Branding and Marketing Genius + Bestselling Author


These Wild + Crazy Internet Streets Are Talking About My Smack-the-Buy-Button Coaching Skills ...

Meet the Million-Dollar Word Stylist™ + W.E.R.K. Coach

I’m Apryl Beverly, The Million-Dollar Word Stylist™, sentence slinger and W.E.R.K. Coach.

I craft compelling copy that has generated $7,022,810 (and counting) in revenue for B2B solo entrepreneurs, small business owners and some of the country’s top brands.

Known for my "tell-it-like-it-is" writing style, I have earned a variety of awards and recognitions including hitting the Amazon Best Seller’s List in 3 categories just 24 hours after releasing my first book, Shots Fired! How to Write Copy that Pierces Hearts (And Opens Wallets).

My second book, F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin’ Hot Leads shot to the No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List two days before its official release.