I Don't Need to Read Anymore. I Want the Emails!

Real talk …

I launched my business over 7 years ago with a Toshiba laptop, a $200 website, 10 cold sales email templates and some bangin' words that propelled prospects to say YES to me.

And those are the "tools" I used to make my FIRST $100,000 as an entrepreneur.

I didn't invest in a $5,000 website. I wasn't paying $10,000 a month for a business coach. And I didn't drop $10,000 on a publicist to let the world know I existed.

I simply sent TARGETED emails to people who were able, willing and ready to invest in my writing services. Now, did everybody say YES? Nope. But the ones who said YES, retained me for lucrative projects. And some never even spoke with me - they hired me straight from the emails I sent.

Today, I use those same email marketing strategies to skyrocket my clients' sales so they can use their skills to pay the bills. My clients are out here smackin' 80% email open rates, hittin' a 60% conversion rate, sitting on 10X the sales, landing lucrative opportunities and closing more deals than ever! #Winning

Now because I want to see YOU win, I'm giving you I'm giving you word-for-word, fill-in-the-blank Instant Sales (Emails) you can use to skyrocket your own results. Oh and because I've got nothing but love for service providers AND my e-commerce peeps, I've included TWO separate sequences for service providers and those of you who sell tangible products online like hair extensions, beauty products, apparel and more. 

So, if you're a business coach/consultant, freelance writer, virtual assistant, social media strategist, web/graphics designer, marketing consultant, beauty products, hair extensions retailer, apparel company owner or other e-commerce entrepreneur looking to bulk up your bank account, the only thing left to do is stretch forth your fingers and smack the big 'ole orange button below to get your Instant Sales (Emails).

Gimme the Emails!

Copy-Paste-Tweak These Emails Virtually Guaranteed to
Skyrocket Flash Sale Results By Up to 60% 

Here's a Whiff at What You Get ...


    Get the method to the email marketing madness so you can use use the templates to craft your own cash-generating emails.


    Find out the most important emails to send during ANY flash sale so you can blast out sales-worthy emails to pull in hot summer sales (and keep the good vibes flowing all yearlong).


    The ROI for email marketing is 42:1, meaning for every dollar spent on email marketing, brands generate $42. Now, hitting that average requires sending out great emails. And inside Instant Sales (Emails), that’s precisely what you’ll get whether you sell coaching services or e-books.


    Word on the Internet streets is that those who sell products feel left out because us digital product creators are “always catering to service providers.” Welp, NOT this time. Inside, you’ll find a juicy set of smack-the-buy-button emails for my e-commerce entrepreneurs, whether you sell beauty/skincare products, hair extensions and wigs, cosmetics, apparel, handbags and more.

Gimme the Emails!

These Wild + Crazy Internet Streets Are Talking ...

Meet the Million-Dollar Word Stylist™ 

I’m Apryl Beverly, The Million-Dollar Word Stylist™ and CEO of Word Stylistz, the world's first woman-owned flat rate copywriting services catering to the unique content marketing needs of businesses that serve diverse audiences. 

I craft compelling copy that has generated $11 million (and counting) in revenue for B2B solo entrepreneurs, small business owners and some of the country’s top brands.

Known for my "tell-it-like-it-is" writing style, I have earned a variety of awards and recognitions including hitting the Amazon Best Seller’s List in 3 categories just 24 hours after releasing my first book, Shots Fired! How to Write Copy that Pierces Hearts (And Opens Wallets).

My second book, F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin’ Hot Leads shot to the No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List two days before its official release.

And inside Instant Sales (Emails), you get to use my email marketing skills to skyrocket your profits all summer long.

Gimme the Emails!
Prefer a Done-For-You Email Writing Service? Click Here - We Got You Covered.