Every day for 5 Days, You Will Receive a LIVE 30-Minute Lesson and "Money Move" Task. Fence Sitters + Cash Resisters Will Get Left Behind ...
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If You Want to Finally Discover How to Make Money in Your Business (Without Selling Your Soul), Shots Fired! Live is Where You Want to be Starting Monday, November 14 ...
Day 1: Make 'Em F.E.E.L. Something
Want folks to BUY? You gotta give them reason to whip out their wallets. And my goof-proof 4-step F.E.E.L. Formula is just how you do it. Slide inside my head and get the 411 on each and every step so you make your story engaging and magnetic for even the most chronic “side-eye” peeps.
Day 2: OMG-Inducing Optin Pages
Getting folks to hand over their email addresses ain’t rocket science, but it is a process. Problem is, most folks don’t know the process. And on Day TWO of the Smackdown, I’m delivering the process in a way YOU can easily understand so you can attract a fresh, new pile of smokin’ hot leads.
Day 3: Enchanting Email Sequences
Everybody and their mama says, “the money’s in the list,” but that ain’t true. You see, the money’s in the engagement. And you boost engagement by sliding into folks’ inboxes with something worth reading. Now, be careful because what I’m gonna share on Day THREE has been known to flood bank accounts with heaps of cash! #ChaChing
Day 4: Smack-the-Buy Button Sales Pages
Frustrated because you just spent 22 hours writing a sales page only to make ZERO dollars? No more. Join us for Day FOUR and get the skinny on the 5-step B.O.S.S. Sales Page Map that pierces hearts, opens wallets and makes you tons of moolah.
Day 5: Poppin' Periscope Intros
Tired of stumbling over your Periscope intro? Or worse yet, afraid to smack the BROADCAST button because you have no idea what to say? Get the powerful Periscope scripts my clients and I are using to deliver memorable intros and make money on Periscope.
Daily: Bangin' + Irresistible BONUSES
Every day of the Smackdown will include spine-tingling surprises, breathtaking bonuses and “gotta-have-em” goodies you won’t wanna miss!
Every day of the Smackdown will include spine-tingling surprises, breathtaking bonuses and "gotta-have-em" goodies you won't wanna miss!
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These Wild + Crazy Internet Streets Are Talking ...

Meet the Million-Dollar Word Stylist™ + Smackdown Coach
I’m Apryl Beverly, The Million-Dollar Word Stylist™, sentence slinger and Shots Fired! Smackdown Coach.
I craft compelling copy that has generated $7,022,810 (and counting) in revenue for B2B solo entrepreneurs, small business owners and some of the country’s top brands.
Known for my "tell-it-like-it-is" writing style, I have earned a variety of awards and recognitions including hitting the Amazon Best Seller’s List in 3 categories just 24 hours after releasing my first book, Shots Fired! How to Write Copy that Pierces Hearts (And Opens Wallets). My second book, F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin’ Hot Leads shot to the No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List two days before its official release.
And for 5 DAYS, you get to crawl inside my brain and pull out everything I know about slinging spine-tingling sentences that propel folks to whip out their credit cards and smack the BUY button. Complete the form below to grab your spot now.
Every day of the Smackdown will include spine-tingling surprises, breathtaking bonuses and "gotta-have-em" goodies you won't wanna miss!
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