Crawl inside my million-dollar brain and get a behind-the-scenes look at 3 ways you can WERK your webinars and transform free participants into paying clients.
Before I go any further, please know this:
I'm no business coach, but I'm a giveaway artist - someone who loves "giving" and hates selling. Well ... I was, until I stepped into the light. You see, one of my old mentors told me "selling is serving" when you do it right. And during this Money Moves Masterclass: Webinars That WERK, I'm going to show you how to do it right.
Now, I know all the "big-time, super successful" gurus talk about webinars and how to do webinars, but what they do NOT tell you is how to simplify that thang. I've read more than 30 books on how to crack the webinar code and while I've been able to take tiny pieces from each one, no ONE strategy worked for me ...
It was either too formal, too long, too confusing, too "salesy" or just too dang on aggressive of a sales approach for my audience - leaving me stuck with no way to make money from a free webinar.
Until all my pieces began to add up to a WERKing strategy. A strategy I'll not only share with you, but give you my slide-for-slide webinar sales script!
So, if you've been running FREE webinars but your bank account ain't benefiting from all the time you spend developing all that juicy content, then THIS Masterclass is where you need to be.

For 60 Glorious Minutes, You Will Crawl Inside the
Brain of the Million-Dollar Word Stylist and Uncover the Art of Producing Webinars that Keep Your Audience and Bank Account Happy
Here's a Whiff of What You'll Discover ...
Sprinkle Your Fairy Dust
People show up for webinars because they want to step inside your brain and use what you know to make their lives/businesses better. And while you should always give the people what they want, you should also _______ (join us LIVE to get the answer) so you serve and sell – all at the same dang on time.
Flip the Script
One of the major problems with ambitious giveaway artists who host FREE webinars is they have no idea when to flip the script and transition smoothly into the sale.
So they give away everything and expect participants to buy out of the goodness of their hearts. While some will, most need some motivation to smack that buy button. In this segment of the webinar, you’ll get a slide-by-slide script that transitions so smoothly your participants won’t even realize you’ve moved into the sales pitch.
WERK Your Webinar
Everybody knows webinars can be a major money maker. Most go like this: give away juicy content for 35 minutes before hitting folks upside the forehead with a sales pitch at the very end. Now, if this ain’t working for you (this format never worked for me), you’re gonna love my Webinars That WERK system.
PLUS, I have a Money Moves WERKbook with your name on it! Click now to the WERKBook PLUS 24-hour access to the replay video. Need more than 24 hours? Join us to find out how you can get LIFETIME access to the video lesson.
These Wild + Crazy Internet Streets Are Talking ...

Meet the Million-Dollar Word Stylist™
I’m Apryl Beverly, The Million-Dollar Word Stylist™, sentence slinger and W.E.R.K. Coach.
I craft compelling copy that has generated $7,022,810 (and counting) in revenue for B2B solo entrepreneurs, small business owners and some of the country’s top brands.
Known for my "tell-it-like-it-is" writing style, I have earned a variety of awards and recognitions including hitting the Amazon Best Seller’s List in 3 categories just 24 hours after releasing my first book, Shots Fired! How to Write Copy that Pierces Hearts (And Opens Wallets).
My second book, F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin’ Hot Leads shot to the No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Seller’s List two days before its official release.
And for 60 glorious minutes, you get to crawl inside my brain and pull out everything I know about slinging spine-tingling sentences that propel folks to whip out their credit cards and smack the BUY button.