20:22:44 From Apryl Beverly : Whaddup!!! We'll be starting in about 8 minutes. 20:23:21 From Monica Black : Raring to go!! 20:23:24 From Apryl Beverly : Please be sure to mute your line as you enter the room. Thanks so much, loves! 20:29:00 From Monica Black : Hey Denise!! 20:29:10 From Catherine Storing : hello hello 20:29:14 From Catherine Storing : i am loving it 20:29:14 From Monica Black : Hey All!! 20:29:35 From Jennifer Westbrook : Hey! 20:29:42 From Catherine Storing : yes that lesson was the business 20:30:04 From Monica Black : Yes! Everything 20:30:16 From Jennifer Westbrook : Fabulous content! 20:30:40 From Catherine Storing : got to have my lighting popping 20:31:43 From Yvonne L. : yes 20:31:44 From Cameasha RM : YEs 20:31:52 From Catherine Storing : yes 20:31:57 From Monica Black : thumbs up! 20:32:09 From Shannon : Please mute your line if you haven't already. Thank you :) 20:32:56 From Yvonne L. : yes 20:33:07 From Shannon : Please mute your line if you haven't already. Thank you :) 20:33:49 From Dave Anderson : ibranduniversity.com/facebook-live-bully/ 20:34:03 From Dave Anderson : Apryl wrote the foreword 20:34:15 From Shannon : Bottom left corner (if your facing your screen) click on the microphone icon to mute your line. Thank you 20:34:54 From Monica Black : hahaha! 20:34:54 From elisegreen : Good evening all! 20:35:18 From Catherine Storing : we do like you but we like your ability to teach me how I can do the same 20:35:30 From Catherine Storing : Hello Elise 20:35:52 From Shannon : Yesssss. I agree. Love to learn from Apryl. 20:36:41 From Shannon : Sentence sidekick here. :) 20:37:20 From Catherine Storing : meeeeee 20:37:22 From Shannon : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 20:37:23 From elisegreen : Me~ 20:37:23 From Yvonne L. : me 20:37:26 From Courtney Herring : ME 20:37:30 From Lawrence's iPad : $$$$$ 20:37:37 From Keshia Webb : me 20:37:39 From Shannon : I need some new shoes! Lol 20:37:43 From elisegreen : Glad to be here today. 20:38:17 From Denise's iPad (2) to Apryl Beverly(Privately) : is a fan page needed to do this or is a personal page sufficeint? 20:39:33 From Yvonne L. : me 20:39:39 From Valda Braziel : ME 20:39:50 From elisegreen : Yes… make a return on my investment of my time on Facebook. 20:40:06 From Shannon : I'm on to have fun making money. 20:40:57 From Lawrence's iPad : More so on your personal page or business page? 20:41:06 From Jennifer Westbrook : yes 20:41:07 From elisegreen : Yes 20:42:33 From Lawrence's iPad : So you have followers equally on your personal and business page? 20:42:47 From Lawrence's iPad : ok 20:54:22 From Katrina L : I'm Mrs McJudgyPants. LOL 21:00:53 From Shannon : It's super good! 21:01:11 From Catherine Storing : those step by steps instructions were the business 21:01:16 From Catherine Storing : thanks Sharon 21:08:40 From Dave Anderson : Wow I have credentials? I’m impressed 21:09:39 From Catherine Storing : i want that 21:09:42 From Catherine Storing : it was so good 21:11:01 From Dave Anderson : get to the point is the case for all men 21:11:58 From Catherine Storing : love love that bonus. 21:12:00 From Yvonne L. : yes 21:12:02 From Catherine Storing : yes please!!!!!! 21:12:02 From Jennifer Westbrook : me! 21:12:05 From elisegreen : Yes 21:12:05 From Monica Black : absolutely 21:12:06 From Cameasha RM : YES YES Please 21:12:07 From Dave Anderson : me 21:12:07 From Valda Braziel : ME 21:12:08 From Keshia Webb : me 21:12:09 From Katrina L : me 21:12:09 From Leslie Bentley : i do111 21:12:09 From Antoinette : m333333 21:12:09 From Lawrence's iPad : yep 21:13:09 From Catherine Storing : what? 21:13:16 From Catherine Storing : no you did not...... 21:13:17 From Catherine Storing : I love love it 21:13:49 From Lawrence's iPad : engagement equals response, not sales right? 21:14:32 From Dave Anderson : ibranduniversity.com/facebook-live-bully/ 21:14:55 From Apryl Beverly : ibranduniversity.com/facebook-live-bully/ 21:15:29 From Lawrence's iPad : he sure will....thanks Dave! 21:15:42 From elisegreen : Thanks Dave!!! 21:16:49 From Catherine Storing : thank you. 21:16:53 From Jennifer Westbrook : thank you! 21:16:54 From Catherine Storing : it takes practive 21:17:04 From Catherine Storing : practice practice practice 21:19:23 From Catherine Storing : got to interact with people 21:22:00 From Dave Anderson : My ads sometimes get rejected for too much copy, how do I fix that? 21:22:41 From Dave Anderson : I never used power editor 21:22:45 From Monica Black : I still can't get the pixel right on my website? How can I test, what's it supposed to do? 21:22:52 From Cameasha RM : It is better to first have an ad that goes to your business page to build audience instead of first selling a product? 21:23:09 From Lawrence's iPad : Should you piggyback ad copy onto landing page copy or vice versa? Or make sure different words are in each... 21:23:11 From Monica Black : thanks 21:23:34 From Lawrence's iPad : ok cool 21:23:44 From Lawrence's iPad : right.... 21:23:58 From Lawrence's iPad : gotcha 21:24:03 From Lawrence's iPad : thx 21:24:42 From Monica Black : a waste of time and money 21:25:26 From Cameasha RM : Okay great. Thank you! 21:25:40 From Cameasha RM : I will try it that way 21:26:09 From Catherine Storing : Can I ask about images? 21:26:43 From Antoinette : Can you do the video live on your business page 21:27:13 From Catherine Storing : you used an image of you on video on your book ad. Do you suggest using a pic of your book, or me holding my book? i also have an image of my book on Amazon’s best selling #3 spot 21:28:10 From Monica Black : I get it now 21:28:52 From Catherine Storing : perfect. Thank you! 21:29:29 From Antoinette : That's awesome. I didn't know that Thank you 21:29:51 From Antoinette : ok great 21:29:56 From Antoinette : lol 21:30:00 From Catherine Storing : I will do that. i am slowly and surely moving away from Periscope. 21:30:05 From Valda Braziel : i DIDN'T KNOW THAT 21:30:06 From Catherine Storing : I wil do more Facebook live 21:30:30 From Catherine Storing : Thanks for encouragement Dave - by nodding your head 21:30:54 From Monica Black : you're silly! 21:31:47 From Shannon : Audria's images are so captivating! 21:32:19 From Monica Black : Yaaaaay! 21:32:19 From Jennifer Westbrook : Thank you, Apryl, this was awesome! 21:32:25 From elisegreen : It was awesome. So glad I made it! 21:32:25 From Keshia Webb : amazing thank you 21:32:26 From Monica Black : The bizness! 21:32:28 From Yvonne L. : awesome 21:32:41 From elisegreen : Dave is the BOB Bomb!! 21:33:01 From Dave Anderson : OMG thank you Elise 21:33:02 From Lawrence's iPad : Great job! 21:33:06 From Shannon : Awesome. Smooth rolling and packed with actionable content. 21:33:29 From elisegreen : Yeah Dave… been watching you in the BOB group and watched you blow up! You are so inspirational! 21:33:38 From Valda Braziel : If you started a fan page; any suggestions for boosting interest 21:33:48 From Leslie Bentley : the templates will change my whole fb LIFE!! 21:33:51 From Shannon : FB jail AND a Youtube pirate too? Apryl is baddddd. ;) 21:34:35 From Cameasha RM : Is using the power editor to boost post different from boosting a post from your page and would ad copy or a story be better 21:34:50 From Lawrence's iPad : Me too...and I didnt have a clue what was going on.... 21:35:23 From Lawrence's iPad : Im further under the radar than you.....and I was completely out done! 21:35:33 From Dave Anderson : I have never been in jail. I don’t know how it hasn’t happened yet 21:35:48 From Monica Black : I haven't read anything 21:35:51 From Lawrence's iPad : Wow Dave! 21:35:55 From Katrina L : We love you Dave! #BusinessBully 21:36:12 From Dave Anderson : Katrina I love you more 21:36:31 From Leslie Bentley : the shade room had 400,000 followers!! shut down! be careful. 21:36:45 From Dave Anderson : I’m so humbled because it’s hard when you have hard days and you read stuff like this. Thank you 21:37:30 From Cameasha RM : thank you again! 21:37:59 From Jennifer Westbrook : Thank you!!!!!! 21:38:01 From Monica Black : Week two!!! 21:38:03 From Yvonne L. : yessssssss 21:38:08 From Lawrence's iPad : Who hoooo!!! 21:38:09 From Keshia Webb : thank you 21:38:15 From Katrina L : Time to take a nap. LOL 21:38:20 From Yvonne L. : see you next week 21:38:22 From elisegreen : Truly awesome! 21:38:39 From Shannon : Short and Long FB Ad copy. 21:38:47 From Yvonne L. : lol 21:38:52 From elisegreen : :-) 21:39:03 From Shannon : G'Nite 21:39:04 From Keshia Webb : gn 21:39:05 From Yvonne L. : goodnight